On Sun. Oct. 7th, The M.B.Sirius and The CG Unit Sirius performed at The Sagami Nebuta Carnival.
Although the hot weather persisted to the end of Sep., it was finally getting cool and breezy, just on parade day. All the members got together in a gymnasium in front of the city government building and started the rehearsal. We enjoyed preparing for the show enthusiastically. The opening ceremony started at 4pm and we started to perform just before 5pm.

Every year various bands, drum corps, and the US army band join this event. The audience, as always, cheered wholeheartedly. It was the first show for the many rookies we have this season, and they were able to conclude the whole parade course. We were all satisfied with our performance. We would like to thank to those who supported and cheered for us from the bottom of our heart.