On Sun. Feb. 10th, we completed our annual event Music Party ! without any difficulties.
The Music Party ! in YOKOHAMA was called off last week because of heavy snow. The day and night before The Music Party ! in Odawara kept us wondering whether this event would be called off as well. We tried to exploit the experience and prepare as much as we could. Although it was snow in Yokohama and Sagamihara Area, there was no snow in Odawara so we could open our event.

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We began to prepare our instruments, mark the positions on the stage in the morning. Although all players of the junior High School bands did a run through the previous day, it was the first time to meet us, the Sirius players. They seemed little nervous.

We had the rehearsal together around noon. Our music piece "I Go To Rio" is the good to bring players together emotionally. The players who were nervous opened up little by little during the rehearsal. We all looked forward to the show :-).
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The Color Guard Unit performed the first time with their new music. It seemed more up-tempo than the preceding repertoire.

This year's Music Party! the collaboration of Japanese Drum and Marching Parcussion was tried for the first time. Canadian Japanese Drum player Kevin Meloche and Zeckey performed together and the audience were absolutely-fascinated with their parformance, it was so powerful with a sense of speed and enjoyment.

The story of the perc. Show went on to our original show which thrived powerfully.

The O.M.B. and The S.M.B. had been making their own show respectively this season. O.M.B. performed "How High The Moon", "Sing,Sing,Sing" jazz pieces with casual expression. They danced a little while playing.

"When A Man Loves A Woman", "My Heart Belongs To Me", "Bird Land" S.M.B. played them cool. Each group's color appeared.

Finally we played "I Go To Rio". Although the rehearsal was intense, we were eager to play it to conclude our own show and relax.
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This event in Odawara used to be named Music Festa and it was a different event. The planing committee took the Music Patry idea into it, so we've got a great chance in the future and rise to a different level for each bands. We would like to thank from the bottom of our heart the people who came to see our show although it was cool day, also those who supported and cheered for us.