Thanks to those who came to our concert, for sharing a tremendous time with us. We will up-date pictures and comments from the concert soon.
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We used to hold our annual concert in Christmas season; however, this year we had to postpone the concert until February. Due to changing our regular concert season, we worried about snow conditions (February is usually snowy in Japan), conflicting schedules and so on. Although we had those serious concerns, we made efforts to make a concert that shared our feelings with the audience.
In terms of new big step toward Sirius Music Party ’06, we had an opportunity to play the music with eMOTION BRASS, a marching band based in western portion of Japan. It took a whole year to prepare and discuss plans for the concert, but our only opportunity to play together was the day of the concert.
eMOTION BRASS, Marching Band Sirius, and Color Guard Unit Sirius are all independent musical units. We aspired to make a show that conveyed a sense of unity of the three different musical units through the music, rather than the uniqueness of each band. After all our efforts paid off, we were emboldened, and are exploring the possibility of future collaboration.
The morning of the concert, we felt a bit of nervousness and excitement. As we started rehearsing, the atmosphere backstage became relaxed and energetic, and it spread over the hall. When the sound blasted into the hall, we realized how amazing the music was. Despite our fears, the audience hall was packed. We abandoned the seats that we didn’t plant to use. At the end of the concert, some people cheered for us, waving a banner, and it made the concert more exciting and fantastic. We are going to continue our passion for music; we are looking forward to seeing again all of the people who we’ve met through our activities and are planning to reach out the western portion of Japan in the future.
For this concert, we had expert cameramen as a part of our staff. Those who helped at the box office were also invaluable to us. We appreciate for the great effort of the stage and lighting staff, and printing crew. We look forward to holding similarly excellent concerts in the future.
(MB Sirius, eMOTION BRASS, CG Unit Sirius)