On May 3, 2005, The 41st Odawara-houjou parade, an annual gorgeous parade which consists of 2000 people in all, was held in downtown Odawara. Odawara is a historical city, a captain of the area back in 15th century named Sou-un Houjou protected the city from its enemies. Houjou is held in high esteem, and to honor him and the city’s history, some performers dress in armor. In addition to historical re-enactors, there are chou-chin dancers, marching bands, baton twirlers and Mikoshi. This year, the Odawara Marching Band and Sirius Color Guard Unit marched at the head of this parade. On that day, the sun was shining on us as if it were celebrating our parade from the sky. We all enjoyed performing at this parade and we truly appreciate everyone’s support.
Participants /Odawara Marching Band, Sirius Color Guard Unit, Hakone 21 Marching Band, Kataura elementary school, So-Yo High school baton twirling club with Izumi JHS, Haku-oh JHS, Jyou-hoku JHS, Ko-zu JHS, Baton team Winks & Cherries with Odawara Jyo-tou High school.
(Sirius Odawara Marching Band)